校董会 & 政府

beat365平台的董事会是学院的官方管理委员会. 委员由地区推选的七名受托人及学生团体推选的一名学生组成. Terms are six years in length, with the 学生受托人 elected each year. 董事会例会通常于每月第三个星期三下午6时在江淮中心举行, 1301 South 48th Street, 昆西, 伊利诺斯州. 董事会 meetings are open to the public.

Portrait of 鲍勃·瑞亚

鲍勃·瑞亚 was elected to the JWCC 董事会 in April 2017. He has assisted clients with accounting, 税, 自7月1日起,通过伊利诺伊州FBFM项目在伊利诺伊州中西部提供咨询服务, 1984 and was named CEO in December 2019. His education path includes degrees from John Wood Community College, Western 伊利诺斯州 University and the University of 伊利诺斯州. 他获得了美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)的注册代理人身份,是伊利诺伊大学税务学院(University of 伊利诺斯州 Tax School)的讲师. He serves as a director for United Community Bank. He is past chairman of the Panther Pride Foundation for Central Schools. He was selected to the 伊利诺斯州 Agricultural Leadership Program Class of 1990. 鲍勃是2018年beat365平台杰出校友奖的获得者.

Portrait of 安迪斯普拉格Kinderhook的Andrew Sprague于2017年9月被任命为John Wood Community College 董事会成员,以填补因前董事会成员辞职而留下的董事会空缺. Mr. Sprague is owner of Sprague’s Kinderhook Lodge, LTD.帕克斯顿农场公司., and partner in Sprague Farms Inc. 他在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校主修农业经济学. 在2001年回到派克县开始他的住宿和特别活动业务之前,Andy是伊利诺伊大学基金会的发展总监. 安迪对他的社区充满热情,喜欢为各种组织服务. 他是服务伊利诺伊州中西部和密苏里州东北部的社区基金会的前任董事会主席, served as chairman for the Illini Community Hospital Growing Our Care Campaign, 是赫尔狮子俱乐部的前任主席,并在派克-斯科特县农业局担任领导职务. 安迪参与了在巴里建立基督教青年会西部社区中心的早期努力. 他是2012年伊利诺斯州农业领导基金会项目的毕业生. He is actively serving at Columbus Road Baptist Church Worship Ministries.

Portrait of Paula Hawley

Paula Hawley of Griggsville was elected to the JWCC 董事会 in 2021. She is a native of Pike County and has lived there for over 50 years, 她在皮茨菲尔德的beat365平台老东学校上了她的第一堂大学课. Paula currently serves on the finance and audit committee. Paula刚从K-12教育退休,在Pikeland学区当了33年的老师, 副校长, assistant superintendent, 和负责人. She served as the district’s superintendent for 15 years. In her tenure as superintendent, 她曾在多个教育委员会和委员会任职,包括中西部地区职业委员会和伊利诺伊州学校行政管理委员会(IASA),她曾担任该组织2020-2021学年的主席. 保拉拿的是B.A. in Education from Stetson University, an M.A. 在斯普林菲尔德伊利诺伊大学获得教育管理学位.S. in Education Leadership from Western 伊利诺斯州 University. She is an 伊利诺斯州 licensed K-12 teacher, 主要, 她是特蕾西家庭基金会(Tracy Family Foundation)赞助的国家学校领导研究所(National Institute for School Leadership, NISL)的管理人员和毕业生.

Portrait of 没有赫斯没有赫斯 was elected to the board in 2013. 他是南加州人,获得了传播学学士学位, with a minor in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 在那之前, Don had been an over the road truck driver and has hauled dry freight, 冷藏, 暂停了牛肉, tankers and flammables. 大学毕业后, 唐曾在俄克拉何马州交通教育中心和紧急车辆操作中心担任交通和防御性驾驶项目的首席讲师. 唐于1994年被招募到beat365平台,开始一个卡车司机培训项目,并最终担任运输和公共安全项目主任,直到2013年退休. Don currently operates DLH Associates, Inc., which provides assistance to the legal community through crash analysis, training reviews and new program start up assistance. 他曾担任两届全国公共资助卡车驾驶学校协会主席, former board member of the Truckload Carriers Association, 专业卡车司机协会董事会成员、评估组组长, and member of the 伊利诺斯州 and California Trucking Associations.

Portrait of 兰迪Greenwell兰迪·G. Greenwell of 昆西 was elected to the 董事会 in 2019. Dr. 格林威尔在斯彭河学院担任教学和学生服务副校长六年后退休. 在那之前, 他在John Wood Community College工作了23年,在那里他担任过各种职位,包括终身教职成员和商业项目主席,以及职业和技术项目院长和转学项目院长12年. Dr. Greenwell holds a Ph.D. in 劳动力 Education from SIU Carbondale, a master’s degree from Western 伊利诺斯州 University, 昆西学院学士学位和beat365平台副学士学位. Dr. 格林威尔曾在几个顾问委员会和伊利诺斯州社区学院委员会任职.

Portrait of 拉里•菲舍尔拉里·L. Fischer of 昆西 was elected to the 董事会 in 2011. Mr. Fischer在担任了7年的教学副校长和近26年的农业项目主任之后,从beat365平台退休. 他拥有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳/香槟分校的硕士学位和南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校的学士学位. 他是伊利诺伊州4-H基金会董事会的前总裁和前成员, University of 伊利诺斯州 College of Agriculture/ACES Alumni Association, 南伊利诺伊大学农业科学学院校友会, Greater Pike Industrial Development Corporation 董事会 and Chaddock School 董事会.


No bio available at this time.

Headshot of Kaydence格雷戈里

No bio available at this time.

博士大头照. 布莱恩·伦芙洛Dr. 布莱恩·伦弗洛于2023年1月成为约翰·伍德社区学院的第七任校长.  Prior to becoming president of the college, he was Vice 总统 of Academic Instruction at Texas Paris Junior College. 其他高等教育经历包括学术和劳动力事务副教务长, interim Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning, Dean of Professional and Technical programs at Tyler Junior College, Dean of Business and Public Services at Hawkeye Community College, Assistant Dean at Colorado Mountain College, Public Safety Institute Academy Specialist at Tarrant County College District, 导演, 首页。land Security Training at Easter Kentucky University, 导演 of Institute of Corporate and Public Safety and Department Chair, Criminal Justice at NorthWest Arkansas Community College.   Dr. Renfro has also served as a faculty member.   伦弗洛获得了博士学位.D. in Higher Education at Iowa State University, Master of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Arkansas, and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Tennessee